The Basic Principles Of Landscape Design

Principles refer to standards or prescriptions for working with or arranging various elements to produce the intended landscape design . Good landscape design follows a combination of seven principles : unity, balance , proportion, focus or attention, or transition sequence , rhythm and repetition.


The unit applies to the use of elements to create harmony and consistency with the theme or main idea of ​​the landscape design. Gives a sense of unity and cohesion in the Landscape Design interdependence. Landscape Design of the unit can be achieved by using plants , trees , or materials that are repeating lines or shapes in a single color or a texture. However , the excess of unity in landscape design can be boring. Therefore , it is important to introduce a contrast or a Landscape Design


Balance Sheet gives a sense of balance and symmetry in the Landscape Design visual attraction. There are three ways in which it is possible to balance the Landscape Design of Symmetrical or formal balance is achieved when the bulk , weight, or number of objects are exactly the same on both sides of Landscape Design . Asymmetrical or informal balance Landscape Design offers a sense of balance between the two sides , though the sides are not the same . Asymmetrical balance can be achieved by using a visual attraction works for each side of the central axis. Landscape design with radial balance  at the center point. A sunflower , a wheel , and a cross section of orange radiation balance.

If you were to “borrow ideas’ or plan to create your own landscaping design , you should have at least a basic knowledge of the principles of landscape design.

Do not feel you have to apply every principle to every part of your plan. Just having an understanding of these principles can help generate ideas and increase your creativity .

Great landscape is in the eyes of its creator . Thus, while the principles of landscape design are great guidelines to follow , do not feel they are ” those rules ” of landscaping. Abstract and creativity are allowed.

The unit should be one of your main goals in your design . May be better understood and applied as the consistency and repeatability. Repetition creates unity by repeating both elements like plants, plant groups , or decor throughout the landscape . Consistency creates unity in the sense that part or all of the various elements of landscape fit together to create a whole.

The unit can be created by the consistency of character of elements in the design . By character , I mean the size, height , texture , color , etc. of different elements.

A good example would be the use of rocks and accent boulders . If you have ever seen a landscape design that had several colors and sizes of different stones , then you’ve seen that unity was not created by this particular element .

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